David 74 #98; 12/8/83 Rev 561




A.  Introduction.

            1. Negative volition is refusal of Bible doctrine. It is divided into two categories.

                        a. Primary negative volition is refusal to assemble for Bible teaching, the rejection of your right pastor and his authority.

                        b. Secondary negative volition is refusal to transfer doctrine from the left lobe to the right lobe. Basically, this is rejection of the message.

            2. Negative volition is a refusal of the rebound technique. This is the malfunction of the grace apparatus for perception whereby the believer assembles, but because he does not rebound, he is not filled with the Spirit. Failure to be filled with the Spirit means no doctrine is transferred to the right lobe because there is no doctrine in the left lobe. This results in no divine viewpoint and no doctrine resident in the soul.

            3. There is the refusal of the faith-rest technique as a part of negative volition. This is the believer under secondary negative volition. He fails to appropriate promises, to utilize doctrine which he has already learned, to utilize the principles and to mix them with his faith.

            4. Inconsistent negative volition refers to a person who takes in doctrine only when he is under pressure. He is an occasional hearer of the Word. This is the person who exposes himself to doctrine only when he wants something from God, or only when he is in a jam. This is the inconsistency that leads to reversionism. These kind of people only come when they want to use God. That was Saul’s problem. Saul wanted to use God when he was in a jam, but God wouldn’t answer him. So Saul went to the witch of Endor, held a seance, and still there was silence, until Samuel entered the scene.

            5. Negative vulnerability refers to the believer who takes in doctrine until he reaches maturity but reacts to disillusion, boredom, discouragement, self-pity, frustration, or some other reactor factors in his soul, which becomes an obsession. This is what happened to Saul. Saul’s a reactor factor in his life was his jealousy of David. From that he moved into a frantic search for happiness by trying to destroy and discredit David in vengeance. He wound up under reverse process reversionism and the sin unto death.

            6. Negative emotionalism describes the believer who becomes negative to doctrine. In his emotional revolt, he uses his emotion as the criterion for everything. Therefore, he becomes blind of soul because he feels his way through life. Feeling becomes the criteria. If he feels good, everything is all right. If he feels bad, there is something wrong. He is, therefore, a slave to his health, to his emotion, and to everything that has to do with stimuli or lack of stimuli.


B.  The principle of negative volition is found in Jn 8:43-45. Christ was perfect in His method of communication, yet people could not understand Him because they were arrogant, the motivational evil of Satan’s cosmic system. These religious people lusted to do the deeds of Satan, i.e., religious works. They would not believe the truth because they lived in the cosmic system.


C.  Negative volition permits demons to teach false doctrine, 1 Tim 4:1. The Satanic teaching of the lie is delegated to demons. Believers get into the cosmic system and learn the doctrine of demons just like unbelievers.


D.  How Negative Volition Begins, 1 Jn 2:15-16. The cosmic system is a tactical trap for the enslavement of the human race. It is a factory for the production of losers. Cf. Rom 12:3; 2 Jn 8-9. Cosmic involvement is the principle of negative volition. Blackout of the soul is involvement in cosmic one; scar tissue of the soul is involvement in cosmic two.


E.  The unbeliever is blinded by walking in darkness (living in the cosmic system), Eph 4:18-19.

6.  Jn 12:37-40 describes people’s continuing negative volition.



© 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.                All rights reserved.
